In 2016, many people would probably think of using Python modules such as BeautifulSoup, urllib, or requests for scraping and parsing web pages. While this is a good choice, in some cases it can be quicker to scrape web pages using the text browser lynx and parsing the results using grep, awk, and sed.
My use case is as follows: I want to programatically generate a list of rpm packages from Fedora's EPEL X (5, 6, 7), CentOS vault, CentOS mirror, and HP DL server firmware sites. I want this list to be comparable to the output of rpm -qa on RHEL machines. Here are some sample URL's for sites showing rpm package lists:
If you visit any of these links you will find that the basic format is the same -- from the left, the first field is an icon, the second field is the rpm filename, the third field is the date in YYYY-MM-DD, the fourth field is time in HH:MM, and the fifth field is file size.
Here is my bash script which parses file list html pages into a simple text file:
You can see that lynx renders the page from HTML into regular text and dumps this output to a file if you pass the -dump option. But this is not enough, because lynx by default inserts a newline character in lines greater than 79 characters. To avoid this problem, you must manually set the line width to something larger. The maximum width in lynx is 990 characters, so I specified this value through the option -width=990. Finally the -nolist option removes the list of links that lynx inserts at the bottom of the page.
Using grep I then extract just the lines containing the string ".rpm". Next I replace all tabs with 4 spaces using sed and then use awk to print just the filename field. Finally I use sed to remove the ".rpm" extension from the filenames to make the output identical to the format of rpm -qa. Note that the last sed statement might not render correctly in your browser because I use mathjax on my blog. Unfortunately, the characters I am trying to express are also the tags for a mathjax expression; The sed snippet should appear as follows:
sed "s:\openparens\.rpm\closeparens::g" "${F3}" > "$2"
I have replaced '(' and ')' with openparens and closeparens, respectively due to my blog's mathjax plugin incorrectly interpreting the above expression as a mathjax statement.
If you don't escape ".rpm" with backslashes, '.' will be interpreted as a regex "match any character" which would match strings like "-rpm", ".rpm", "redhat-rpm-config", etc. This is undesirable.
BTW this script is for informational and educational purposes only. It would actually be easier to just invoke lynx with lynx -dump -listonly ... and skip the data munging steps of replacing tabs with spaces using sed. If you do it this way you will get just the links to rpm files from EPEL, CentOS mirror, etc. Then you can return just the filename from each link's path with awk:
awk -F'/' '{ print $NF }'
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